© Mounia Ziat, 2002-2017. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder such as IEEE's, ACM's, Springer or Elsevier's. Appropriate credit must be given as to its source and authorship. The following links open in a new tab

Peer-reviewed Publications

  1. J40. Ziat, M., Raisamo, R. The Cutaneous-Rabbit Illusion: What if it is not a Rabbit? IEEE Worldhaptics 2017, Furstenfeldbruck, Germany, June 2017. Link, PDF

  2. J39. Huggins, J., Guger, C., Ziat, M., Zander, T. O., Taylor, D., Tangermann, M., … Aarnoutse, E. J. (2017). Workshops of the Sixth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting: Brain-Computer Interfaces Past, Present, and Future,Francis and Taylor Brain-Computer Interfaces,, 2017. Link, PDF

  3. J38. Savord, A., Wisuri, E., Pless, P., Frissen, I. Ziat, M. Movement alteration in flute players: Can it help us understand focal dystonia?Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,, 2017. Link, PDF

  4. J37. Ziat, M., Wagner, S., Frissen, I. Compensatory Haptic feedback to the Absence of Horizon Cues during Landing: a Possible Solution for the Black Hole Illusion.Springer Lectures Notes in Computer Science,, 2016. Link, PDF

  5. J36. Ziat, M. Balcer, C. A., Rolison, T., Schirtz, A. A century later, the hue-heat hypothesis: does color truly affect temperature perception?,Springer Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 2016. Nominated for Best Paper Award Link, PDF

  6. J35. 4. Ziat, M., Yao, H.-Y., Schmitt, R., Hayward, V. FrontPanel: Tangible User Interface for Touch-Screens Dedicated to Elderly,ACM CHI 2016 Extended Abstracts, San Jose, CA, May 2016. Link, PDF, Video

  7. J34. Morrow, K., Wilbern, D., Taghavi, Ziat, M., The Effects of Duration and Frequency on the Perception of Vibrotactile Stimulation on the Neck, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2016, Philadephia, PA, April 2016. Link, PDF

  8. J33. Piggott, L., Wagner, S., Ziat, M., Haptic Neurorehabilitation and Virtual Reality for Upper Limb Paralysis: A Review,Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering (In Press). Link, Coming Soon

  9. J32. Ziat, M., Savord, A., Frissen, I., The effect of Visual, Haptic, and Auditory Signals Perceived from Rumble Strips during Inclement Weather,IEEE Worldhaptics 2015, Evanston, IL, June 2015. Link, PDF

  10. J31. Ziat M., Bensmaia S. Neuroprosthetics, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 2015, 714-721. Link, PDF

  11. J30. Ziat M., Lecolinet E., Gapenne O., Mouret G. and Lenay C. Perceptual strategies under constrained movements on a zoomable haptic mobile device, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 2014. Link, PDF

  12. J29. Ziat, M., Rolison, T., Shirtz, A., Wilbern, D., and Balcer C. A., Enhancing Virtual Immersion through Tactile Feedback, ACM UIST'14 Adjunct, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 2014. Link, PDF, Video

  13. J28. Ziat, M., Fridstrom, J., Kilpela, K., Fancher, J., and Clark, J.J. InGrid: Interactive Grid Table, ACM CHI 2014 Extended Abstracts, Toronto, ON, April-May 2014. Link, PDF, Video

  14. J27. Ziat, M., Smith, E., Brown, C., DeWolfe, C., Hayward, V. Ebbinghaus Illusion in the Tactile Modality, Haptic Symposium 2014, Houston, TX, February 2014. Link, PDF

  15. J26. Ziat, M., Konieczky, C., Kakas, B. Throwing of a Ceramic Cylindrical Vessel: How Height is Affected by Sensory Deprivation, Haptic Symposium 2014, Houston, TX, February 2014. Link, PDF

  16. J25. Ziat, M., Fancher, J., Kilpela, K., Fridstrom, J., and Clark, J.J. InGrid: Rethinking the Embodied Space. ACM CHI 2013 Workshop on Blended Interaction: Envisioning Future Collaborative Interactive Spaces. Link, PDF, Video

  17. J24. Ziat, M., Saoud W. The Progress Bar as a Metaphor for Time Continuity and Discontinuity. ACM CHI 2013 Workshop on Changing Perspectives of Time in HCI, 2013. To appear. Link, PDF

  18. J23. Ziat M., Frissen I., Campion G., Hayward V. and Guastavino C. Plucked string stiffness affects loudness perception, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 2013. Link, PDF

  19. J22. Frissen I., Ziat M., Campion G., Hayward V. and Guastavino C. Auditory-Haptic and Haptic-Haptic Temporal Order Judgements During Passive and Active Arm Movements, Acta Psychologica, 141(2), 140-148, 2012. Link, PDF

  20. J21. Ziat M., Au C.E., Hadj-Abolhassani A., and Clark J.J. Enhancing Visuospatial Map Learning through Action on Cellphones, Transactions on Applied Perception, Issue 5, 2012. Link, PDF

  21. J20. Ziat M., Hayward V., Chapman C. E., Ernst M., and Lenay C. Tactile Suppression of Displacement, Experimental Brain Research, 206(3), Pages 299-310. 2010. Link, PDF

  22. J19. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Stewart J., Lenay C. Haptic recognition of forms at different scale: A comparison of two methods of interaction, Interacting with Computers, Elsevier, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 121-132. Link, PDF

  23. J18. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Lenay C., Lecolinet E., Mouret G., Stewart J., Espace de perception et seuils de confort pour un zoom haptique en 2D, Revue d'interaction Homme-Machine (RIHM), Volume 7, numero 2, 2007. Link, PDF

  24. J17. Ziat, M., Lenay, C. Gapenne, O., Stewart,J. Ali Ammar, A. & Aubert D. Perceptive supplementation for an access to graphical environment, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 4554, 841-850, 2007. Link, PDF

  25. J16. Ziat, M. Haptic Zoom, In A. Luciani and C. Cadoz (eds.): Enaction and Enactive Interface: a Handbook of Terms, Enactive Systems Books, Grenoble, 2007. ISBN 978-2-9530856-0-0. Link, PDF

  26. J15. Ziat, M. Zoomable experience, In A. Luciani and C. Cadoz (eds.): Enaction and Enactive Interface: a Handbook of Terms, Enactive Systems Books, Grenoble, 2007. ISBN 978-2-9530856-0-0. Link, PDF

  27. J14. Ziat, M. Zoomable interfaces, In A. Luciani and C. Cadoz (eds.): Enaction and Enactive Interface: a Handbook of Terms, Enactive Systems Books, Grenoble, 2007. ISBN 978-2-9530856-0-0. Link, PDF

  28. J13. Ziat, M., Gapenne O., Lenay C. and Stewart J. Zooming experience in the haptic modality. 3rd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE'07), November 21-23, 2007, Grenoble, France, pp. 305-308. Link, PDF

  29. J12. Ziat, M., Gapenne O., Stewart J., Lenay C. Manipulation d’un zoom haptique continu via un dispositif de substitution sensorielle, 19th French-speaking conference on Humain Computer Interaction (ACM IHM’07), Paris, November 12-17, 2007, pp. 63-70. Link, PDF

  30. J11. Ziat, M., Gapenne O., Stewart J., Lenay C and Bausse J. Design of a Haptic Zoom: levels and steps. IEEE Worldhaptics’07, Tsukuba, Japan, March 22-24, 2007, pages 102-108. Link, PDF

  31. J10. Ziat, M., Gapenne O., Lenay C. and Stewart J. Perception limits of a sensory substitution device by using an acuity test. Human Machine iNteraction Conference (Human’07), Timimoun, Algeria, March 12-14, 2007, pages 201-206. PDF

  32. J9. Ziat, M., Gapenne O., Stewart J. and Lenay C. Checking the two-third power law for shapes explored via a sensory substitution device. 2nd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE’06), Montpellier, France, November 20-21, 2006, pages 95-96. PDF

  33. J8. Ziat, M., Gapenne O., Lenay C. and Stewart J. Zoomable user interfaces: Ecological and Enactive, 2nd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE’06), Montpellier, France, November 20-21, 2006, pages 239-240. PDF

  34. J7. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Rouze M.-O. and Delwarde A. Recognition of different scales by using a haptic sensory substitution device. In the proceedings of Eurohaptics’2006, Paris, France, July 3-6, 2006, pages 513-518. Link, PDF

  35. J6. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Lenay C. and Stewart J. Perception in numerical and corporeal spaces in a 2D haptic virtual world, In the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE’05), Genova, Italy, November 17-18, 2005, 10 p. PDF

  36. J5. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Delwarde A., and Rouze M.-O. Haptic Differentiation between Different Scales, Proceedings in Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces (DPPI'05), Eindhoven, the Netherlands, October 24-28, 2005, pages 480-481. Link, PDF

  37. J4. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Stewart J., Lenay C. A comparison of two methods of scaling on form perception via a haptic interface, Seventh International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ACM ICMI’05), Trento, Italy, October 04-06, 2005, pages 236-243. Link, PDF

  38. J3. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Etude préliminaire visant la détermination de seuils de confort pour un zoom haptique, 17th French-speaking conference on Humain Computer Interaction (ACM IHM’05), Toulouse, France, 27-30 septembre, 2005, pages 3-10. Nominated for Best Paper Award Link, PDF

  39. J2. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Lenay C., Stewart J. Acuité perceptive via une interface pseudo-haptique, 16th French-speaking conference on Humain Computer Interaction (ACM IHM’04), Namur, Belgique, 30 août 30 - 3 septembre, 2004, pages 263-266. Link, PDF

  40. J1. Ziat M. Scaling form or sensor: A question for the design of a pseudo-haptic zoom dedicated to PDA, Designing Interactive Systems (ACM DIS'04), (Doctoral Consortium) Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, August 1-4, 2004, 5 p. PDF


  1. W4. Ziat, M. Haptic Guidelines for BCI Research, The 6th International Brain - Computer Interface Meeting (BCI’16), Pacific Grove, California, June 1-3, 2016. Link, PDF

  2. W3. Ziat, M., Frisoli, A., van Erp, J., Guger, C. Brain Computer Interfaces & Haptics, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2014, Houston, TX, February, 2014. Link, PDF

  3. W2. Rutkowski, T., Kapeller, C., Hori, G., Ziat, M., Chang M., and Moru, H. Tactile and Bone-Conduction Based BCI Paradigms - State of the Art, Challenges and Potential New Applications, The 5th International Brain - Computer Interface Meeting (BCI’13), Pacific Grove, California, June 3-7, 2013. Link, PDF

  4. W1. Ziat, M., Lecuyer, A. Haptics and BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). IEEE Worldhaptics 2013 Workshop. Link, PDF

Abstracts and Demos (Selection)

  1. A20. Ziat, M., Johannessen, C., Snell, K., Raisamo, R. How visual saltators affect the emotional dimensions of the cutaneous rabbit effect. Psychonomic Society Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, November 2017. Link, PDF

  2. D12. Ziat, M. and Raisamo, R. How Saltational Animals Modulate the Emotional Dimensions of Saltation. IEEE Worldhaptics 2017, Furstenfeldbruck, Germany, June 2017. Link, PDF

  3. A19.Schramski, K., Varney, J., Buentello, I., Newell, F., Ziat, M. Randomness in Touch: Perception of Local and Global Disturbances, Psychonomic Society Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2016. Link, PDF

  4. A18. Morrow, K., Ziat, M. Tactile spatial acuity of the neck using a two-point orientation discrimination task, Society for Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, CA, November 2016. Link, PDF

  5. D11. Morrow, K., Wilbern, D., Taghavi, R., Ziat, M. Vestibular-Tactile Substitution: Vertical Posture Correction using Vibrotactile Stimulation on the Neck, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2016, Philadelphia, PA, April 2016. Link, PDF

  6. D10. Ziat, M., Yao, H.-Y., Hayward, V. (2016) FrontPanel: Enhancing Touch-Screen Accessibility for Seniors, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2016, Philadelphia, PA, April 2016. Link, PDF

  7. A17. Ziat, M., Konieczky, C., Park, MK, Kakas, B., Rosenbaum, D. Potters Make Shorter Clay Pots at the Wheel When Their Vision, Touch, or Hearing Is Reduced, Psychonomic Society Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 2015. Link, PDF

  8. A16. Schramski, K., Newell, F., Ziat, M. Good Gestalt: Orderliness Perception through Touch, Psychonomic Society Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 2015. Link, PDF

  9. A15. Crowel, S., Messer, Z., Aday, J., Bratonia, C., Ziat, M. Negatively Connoted Music Increases Brain Activity in the Prefrontal Cortex: A NIRS Study, Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October 2015. Link, PDF

  10. D9. Shirtz, A., Morrow, K., Savord, A., Ziat, M. Virtual Mirror Box for Lower Limbs using EMG, IEEE Worldhaptics 2015, Evanston, IL, June 2015. Link, PDF

  11. D8. Wilbern, D., Savord, A., Morrow, K., Ziat, M. Visual-Haptic Hallucinations, IEEE Worldhaptics 2015, Evanston, IL, June 2015. Link, PDF

  12. D7. Haara, M., Stark, V., Johnson, D., Horn, J. Ziat, M. Virtual Exosuit with Haptic Feedback, IEEE Worldhaptics 2015, Evanston, IL, June 2015. Link, PDF

  13. A14. Tsalamlal, M. Y., Rizer, W., Martin, J.-C., Ammi, M., Ziat, M. Evented Related Potentials Using an Air Jet Tactile Stimulation, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2015. Link, PDF

  14. A13. Rizer, W., Wilbern, D., Prychitko, S., Savord, A., Ziat, M. Haptic Hallucinations: Evidence from Event-Related Potentials, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2015. Link, PDF

  15. A12. Balcer, C. A., Schirtz, A., Rolison, T., Ziat, M., Visual Cues Effects on Temperature Perception. Psychonomic Society Meeting, Long Beach, California, 2014 Link, PDF

  16. A11. Savord, A., Wisuri, E., Pless, P., Ziat, M. Kinesthetic Memory Adaptation in Flute Players, BK25 Milestones in Music and Cognition, Montreal, Canada, July 7-8th 2014. PDF

  17. A10. Ziat, M., Smith, E., Calvetti, C., Hayward, V. Ebbinghaus Illusion in Touch. The UEA Perception and Action Workshop, Norwich, UK, June 9th, 2014. Link, PDF

  18. D6. Balcer, C. A., Schirtz, A., Rolison, T., Ziat, M., Is Seeing Warm, Feeling Warm?, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2014, Houston, TX Link, PDF

  19. D5. Brewster, P., Hock, C., Flint, L., Lanthier, A., Ziat, M., Dow, D., Hartman, M., BCI - Tactile Cursor Task, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2014, Houston, TX Link, PDF

  20. D4. Rolison, T., Ziat, M., Do You Feel the Music?, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2014, Houston, TX Link, PDF

  21. A9. Ziat, M., Konieczny, C., Kakas, B. Multimodal Integration During the Shaping of a Round Ceramic Cylinder, Psychonomic Society Meeting 2013, p.231, Toronto, ON Link, PDF

  22. D3. Fancher, J., Smith, E., and Ziat, M. Haptic Hallucination Sleeve, IEEE WorldHaptics 2013, Daejeon, Korea, April 2013. Nominated for Best Demo Award Link, PDF

  23. D2. Ziat, M., Hayward, V., Pless P., Sicotte C. Tactile Suppression of Displacement Device, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2012, Vancouver, Canada, March 2012. (Demo) Link, PDF

  24. A8. Ziat, M., Hayward, V., Servos, P. and Ernst, M. Visuomotor Coordination under two types of reflections, Psychonomic Society 2011, Seattle, WA, p 75. Link, PDF

  25. A7. Servos, P., Ziat, M., Tactile Suppression of Displacement: Early evidence using ERP, ISBN 2011, Verona, Italy, p 10. Link, PDF

  26. A6. Ziat M., Servos P., Hayward V., Saoud W. Tactile Suppression of Displacement: Evidence from Event-related Potentials, CNS 2011, p.55. Link, PDF

  27. A5. Servos P., Ziat M. Boyd A., Planetta J. Somatosensory Maps in Time and Space, Canada Research Chair, Nov. 24th, 2010, Toronto. Link, PDF

  28. A4. Frissen, I., Ziat, M., Campion, G., Hayward, V., Guastavino, C., Auditory-tactile temporal order judgments during active exploration, IMRF 2009. Link

  29. A3. Ziat, M., Hayward, V., Chapman, C. E., Ernst, M., Lenay, C. Revisiting the fingertip-fovea analogy, Perception 37 (ECVP 2008 Abstract Supplement), 08 2008, p 50. Link

  30. D1. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Lenay C., Stewart J. and Aubert D. Tactos: a sensory substitution device for an active perception, IEEE Worldhaptics’07 supplement, Tsukuba, Japan, March 22-24, 2007. (Demo) Link, PDF

  31. A2. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Lenay C. and Stewart J. Prothèses Perceptives : Acuité dynamique et stratégies d'explorations, Journée du Réseau de sciences cognitives d'Ile-de-France, Collège de France, Paris, France, 18 octobre 2002, page 50. Link, PDF

  32. A1. Ziat M., Gapenne O., Lenay C. and Stewart J. Study of the dynamical acuity through a sensory substitution device in blindfolded subjects, Movement, action and consciousness : toward a physiology of intentionality. A symposium in honor of Marc Jeannerod, Institut for Cognitives Sciences, Lyon, France, 27-28 septembre, 2002. Link, PDF


  1. T2. Ziat, M. Learning and usage of a zoom function implemented in a mobile tactile interface, Ph.D Thesis, UTC, November 2006. Nominated for Best Thesis of the year PDF

  2. T1. Ziat, M. Dynamic Acuity of a Sensory substitution device, Master Thesis, UTC, September 2002. PDF